I wonder why i must say "Happy New Year" 2 times in 1 year... Nope... This year is in 1 Month! Both ANG MO New Year and Chinese New Year falls in Jan this year... 2012... there is a movie... the 2012... Izzit true that this year will be my LAST celebration of New Year??? Princess Z don't think so.... Just try ur hardest to LIVE happily^^ That is what i have learnt from children in kindergarten ~ Oh ya~ forget to inform that~ Now Princess Z is a teacher in Joyous Glorious Kindergarten =) Heard the school name also can know how much fun is in it~right?^^ Princess Z cant wait for Chinese New Year to come already~~~ Celebration with family and relatives~ Gathering and trip with old friends, new friends~ Sure there will be many photos be uploaded^^ Memories will shade... But photos will called out your memory~ that is what Princezz Z believed in~ OK lar... Thats all for today...